My Story

Hello! I’m Michelle, and I can’t wait to share the profound work I love so deeply with you!

Throughout my life, I have been in touch with the numinous. 

As a young child, however, this brought with it fear and misunderstanding.  I did not have a container in which to hold those experiences. I had no way of understanding what they meant or why I was having them.

My family moved many times throughout my formative years. Even though there were moves for which I was excited, ultimately, wherever we landed, I always felt like an outsider, an outcast. My connection to my-Self and the knowing I felt deep within, grew more and more unsteady, until finally, I felt completely lost and alone. As I grew into a teen and young adult, the fear and misunderstanding led to depression and anxiety. 

It wasn’t until my early 20’s that I began to heed the call of my-Self. After college, armed with a degree in theater and one in psychology, I felt a bit aimless, still unclear of my purpose, still without a container in which to hold the experiences I could not deny. Until one day, searching, I came across a field called “Transpersonal Psychology.” All of a sudden I felt the shivers and chills of the call. This was my next step, this was part of my path, this was for me. I quickly enrolled and within a few months I’d picked up and started on my journey of rediscovery. 

Through my education at The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, I found myself coming home, again and again. Finding the beginnings, the remembrances of my-Self. I began to build the container to hold those experiences, and with each new learning, that container grew larger and my experience grew deeper. As I coaxed my true Self out of her shell, provided the container for her to place all of her delicate, wondrous experiences, we found that this path, this journey of discovery, was only just beginning. 

Having been through effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a teen, I had direct experience of the power of our mind. Introduced to hypnotherapy, I jumped at the chance to dive deep and learn how hypnosis can shift long held patterns of disharmony. 

This led directly to energy work. Specifically Reiki at the time. If our thoughts and mental patterns can determine so much of our world, what is behind that? After all, what is a thought? Is it not simply an energetic movement? And so my path led me to Reiki and other energy modalities. 

During this time, I met my husband. Just as I was meeting my true Self, I met my true life partner. We married and began creating our own family. I dedicated everything I was and everything I had to our boys. This was also part of my path, part of my journey into knowing my-Self. As they grew older, I felt the gentle tug from Spirit once again. “It’s time,” I kept feeling and knowing. But how? I started meditating regularly and eventually found myself at a meditation retreat when it hit me. That “aha” moment of clarity. I didn’t necessarily know the exact plan, but I knew for certain it was time to start “working” again.

As I continue on my journey, the path before me continues to take me deeper into what it is to be human, the nature of our reality, and why we are here. Because of this deep yearning to understand, I’ve traveled the world and studied numerous techniques and philosophies. From the ancient temples and mystery schools of Egypt, to the Celtic lands, their sacred spaces, and nature-based wisdom. From the Bodhi tree and deeply spiritual India, to the Buddhist and Shinto Temples, and the sacred mountains of Japan. To the high Andes and Peruvian Shamanism. I have walked these sacred grounds, absorbing their wisdom. The more I learn, the more fascinating I find life, and the deeper I want to dive! 

Joseph Campbell said “Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again.” 

My aim is to provide that container for you. To hold space and nurture your soul, so that you can find your own way home. 

Yours in Illumination, 

Xo, Michelle

Michelle’s Credentials Include:

M.A. Transpersonal Psychology - Institute of Transpersonal Psychology 2001

Certified Master Hypnotherapist - Hypnosis Motivation Institute 2002

Certified Reiki Master - Usui Reiki Ryoho 2001, Tibetan/Usui Reiki 2018, Holy Fire 2021

Certified Vortex Energy Practitioner - Vortex Healing 2005

Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor - Chopra Center 2018

Certified Crystal Practitioner - Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy 2019

Certified Urban Zen Integrative Therapy - Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program 2019

Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner - The Practical Path 2022

Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine - The Four Winds 2023

Professional Organizations that Michelle Belongs to:

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