Healing Resources

Welcome to our  Resources page.

Here, you'll find a wealth of information, articles, and links to help you explore and understand the holistic healing modalities we offer. Whether you're new to energy medicine or a seasoned practitioner, we hope these resources enhance your journey to well-being.


Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that involves the transfer of healing energy from a practitioner to a recipient with the aim of promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is based on the belief that there is a universal life force energy that flows through all living beings, and when this energy is balanced and free-flowing, a person is healthy and content. When it is blocked or disrupted, illness or emotional distress can occur. Reiki practitioners seek to channel and balance this energy to facilitate healing.


Shamanic Energy Healing

Shamanic energy healing is a traditional healing practice found in various indigenous cultures around the world. It is based on the belief that everything is interconnected and that an energetic balance is essential for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Shamans, or practitioners of shamanism, are believed to have the ability to connect with the spiritual realm and channel healing energies to restore harmony and remove blockages in a person's energy field.

Here's a general overview of how shamanic energy healing works:

Energy and the Spirit World: Shamans believe that everything, including living beings and objects, is composed of energy. They also believe in the existence of a spirit world that coexists with our physical reality. In shamanic practices, illness and imbalances are often seen as disruptions in a person's energy field caused by negative energies, emotional trauma, or spiritual disharmony.

Journeying and Communication: Shamanic healers often enter altered states of consciousness through various techniques, such as drumming, chanting, or using entheogenic plants (in some traditions). In these altered states, they are believed to communicate with spirit guides, ancestors, or other entities from the spirit world who provide guidance and assistance in the healing process.

Energy Extraction: One common technique in shamanic energy healing is energy extraction. The shaman identifies areas of stagnant or harmful energy within the individual's energy field and removes these energies, often with the help of their spirit allies. This process is akin to removing energetic blockages and negative influences that may be contributing to the person's ailment or imbalance.

Soul Retrieval: Another essential aspect of shamanic healing is soul retrieval. It is believed that during times of trauma or intense emotional experiences, a part of a person's soul may become fragmented or dissociated as a coping mechanism. The shaman journeys to the spirit world to find and retrieve these lost soul parts, reintegrating them into the person's energy field and facilitating healing.

Power Animal Retrieval: In some traditions, shamans may also assist individuals in connecting with their power animals, which are spiritual guides in the form of animals. Power animals can provide protection, guidance, and strength to the person in their daily life and healing journey.

Energetic Balancing and Protection: Once the extraction, soul retrieval, or other healing processes are completed, the shaman works on restoring energetic balance to the individual's energy field. They may also offer practices or rituals to protect the person from future imbalances or negative influences.


Medical Intuition

A medical intuitive reading is a type of alternative or complementary healthcare practice in which an individual, often referred to as a medical intuitive or intuitive healer,  uses their intuitive abilities to assess a person's health and medical conditions.

Here are some key points to understand about medical intuitive readings:

Assessment: During a medical intuitive reading, the practitioner typically assesses the client's energy, aura, chakras, and other subtle energy fields. They may also use meditation or other techniques to gain insights into the client's health.

Treatment Options: Based on their assessment, medical intuitives may offer various options for treatment or healing.  These recommendations may be the most efficient way to help save time and money on your health journey.


Sound Bath

A sound bath is a therapeutic and immersive sound experience that aims to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. It is a meditative practice where participants lie down or sit comfortably in a peaceful environment while a facilitator, often referred to as a sound healer or practitioner, plays various instruments to create a soothing and harmonic atmosphere.



Mantra meditation is a form of meditation that involves the repetition of a specific word, phrase, or sound, known as a mantra. This ancient practice has its roots in various spiritual and religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, but it has also been adopted by individuals seeking mental and spiritual benefits, regardless of their religious beliefs.


Space Clearing

Space  clearing is a practice aimed at removing negative or stagnant energy from a physical space, such as a home, office, or any other environment. It is based on the belief that energy, both positive and negative, can become imprinted in a space over time, and this energy can impact the well-being and harmony of the people who inhabit or frequent that space. Space energy clearing is conducted to create a more balanced and positive environment, promoting a sense of peace, clarity, and overall well-being.

The concept of space energy clearing is rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions, including but not limited to feng shui, Native American practices, and certain forms of energy healing.

Crystal Healing and Consultations

Crystal healing is a complementary or alternative therapy that involves the use of crystals and gemstones to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is based on the belief that crystals possess various energies and vibrations that can interact with and influence the energy fields, or "chakras," within the human body. 

Placed throughout the home or office, crystals may promote peace, love, creativity, and abundance. A crystal consultation in addition to a space clearing is a great way to enhance the desired energy of a space.



Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that uses hypnosis to help individuals address various psychological and emotional issues, modify behaviors, and promote personal growth and self-improvement. Hypnosis is a trance-like state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. In this state, the therapist can guide the client's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions to facilitate therapeutic change.


Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal psychology is a subfield of psychology that goes beyond the conventional understanding of the human mind and behavior. It focuses on exploring and understanding the spiritual, mystical, and transcendent aspects of human experience. Transpersonal psychology emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a response to the limitations of traditional psychology, which often ignored or pathologized experiences related to spirituality, altered states of consciousness, and personal growth beyond the ego.
